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La Barben and the Champ-de-Mars, same battles

All the versions of this article: English , français

One is in the countryside, in Provence, the other in Paris. But the threats facing the area around the Château de La Barben and the Champ-de-Mars, both of which are in the vicinity of historic monuments (and some of which are listed), are quite similar.
These natural areas are threatened by what Philippe Muray called ‘homo festivus’. Permanent celebration at the expense of beauty, history and culture.

1. The former vegetable garden, transformed into a fairground at the Château de La Barben,
as at 25 August 2021
Photo: Didier Rykner
See the image in its page
2. Ephemeral Grand Palais on the
Champ-de-Mars, as it stands on 29 August 2023
Photo: Didier Rykner
See the image in its page

At La Barben, a private company is installing an amusement park,…

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