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Axel Rüger appointed Director of the Frick Collection

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Axel Rüger
Photo : Cat Garcia
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25/9/24 - Appointment - New York, The Frick Collection - Ian Wardropper’s departure as head of the Frick Collection, at the age of 73, was to have been succeeded by Xavier Salomon, the museum’s number two and a curator highly respected by his peers. So it came as a surprise when it was announced that it would not be him, but an outside candidate, the German Axel Rüger, Director of London’s Royal Academy, who would henceforth preside over the destiny of the prestigious New York museum, currently closed for expansion work (some of the works were exhibited in a building on Madison Avenue from March 2021 to March 2024).

To Xavier Salomon’s experience and erudition, the Frick preferred an outside candidate with a…

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