Artibus et Historiae - An art anthologie - n° 89, 2024


Ivio Volpi Ghirardini and Eugene J. Johnson, Observations and Thoughts on Sant’Andrea at Mantua: A Transatlantic Collaboration

Oskar J. Rojewski, Felipe Morras (Philippon Mauroux), a Picard Trained in Ghent, his Workshop in Marseille, and his Stay at the Court of Isabella of Castile

Paul Joannides, Recto by Raphael, Verso by Poliodoro. A Sheet of Drawings for the Sala di Costantino

Bonnie J. Noble, ‘The Spirit that I have seen may be the Devil’. The Curious Virgins of Hans Baldung Grien

Philip Cottrell and Peter Humfrey, Some Additions to the Bonifacio Catalogue

Enrico Maria dal Pozzolo, Tintoretto, Patavinus e un raro arpicordo del 1554

Deborah Feller, In His Own Work: The Self-Images of Jusepe de Ribera

Bastian Eclercy, Ribera in Rome: The Städel’s Saint James the Greater as a Touchstone for the Painter’s Early Period

Nora Gietz, A Woman Artist in Eighteenth-Century Venice: New Details about Giulia Lama’s Life (1681–1747)

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