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An Artemisia Gentileschi enters the Kimbell Museum of Art

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19/9/24 - Acquisition - Fort Worth, Kimbell Art Museum - History is repeating itself. While Artemisia Gentileschi remains hopelessly absent from French public collections, major foreign museums are continuing to buy her works from the French art market. Following in the footsteps of the National Gallery in London (see the news item of 6/7/18), the Getty Museum (see the news item of 30/3/21) and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston (see the news item of 18/9/24), the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth has acquired a painting by the artist that came onto the Paris art market at Tajan in December 2001.

Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1654)
Marie-Magdalene Penitent, c. 1625-1626
Oil on canvas - 108.8 x 93 cm
Fort Worth, Kimbell Art Museum
Photo: Kimbell Art Museum
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