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A work by the Master of the Corsi Crucifix for Florence

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30/11/23 - Acquisition - Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia  - This Christ on the Cross took pride of place on dealer Fabrizio Moretti’s stand at the 2022 Florence International Biennial of Antiquities. The Florentine gallery owner, based in London, Monaco and more recently Paris, had already presented it in an exhibition in 2009 [1]. The work finally joined the collections of the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze, its acquisition announced last September (ill. 1). It once belonged to Arnaldo Corsi, who bequeathed part of his very rich collection to the city of Florence in 1938, but as it was not part of the bequest, it ended up on the art market.

1. Master of the Corsi Crucifix or Maestro del Crocifisso Corsi (active c. 1300-1325)
Christ on the Cross
Tempera and gold on…

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