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A reprieve for the cour du Bel-Air staircase
English version coming soon.
- 2. 1820 staircase temporarily saved
Photo: Didier Rykner - See the image in its page
26/11/24 - Heritage - Paris, cour du Bel-Air - The case of the Cour du Bel-Air, where several architectural features are under threat, including in the short term a very fine 19th-century staircase, was off to a bad start, with the DRAC Île-de-France making some obvious errors of assessment (see articles). Fortunately, the Ministry of Culture, with the support of the Commission du Vieux Paris, is in the process of rectifying the situation.
The Architect of the Bâtiments de France has issued a negative opinion on the planned project. The site is listed as an "urban ensemble of Paris" under a decree dated 6 August 1975, which aims to preserve Parisian building complexes from the 19th…