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A pastel by Vouet acquired by Versailles

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29/7/24 - Acquisition - Versailles, Musée national du château - Three years after its exhibition Drawings for Versailles: Twenty Years of Acquisitions (see article), the Château de Versailles is pursuing its acquisition policy in this area as dynamically as ever. A major sheet by Simon Vouet has recently added to one of its main areas of interest, portraits of personalities connected with Versailles, whether members of the royal family, noblemen or artists. This was one of the thematic sections of the exhibition.

Portrait of Anne-Marie-Louise d’Orléans, Mademoiselle de Montpensier, called the Grande Mademoiselle in bust form,
Black chalk and pastel - 27.5 x 20.5 cm
Versailles, Musée national du château de Versailles
Photo: Versailles, Musée national du château

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