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A panel by Jacopino del Conte acquired by Chicago

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21/11/24 - Acquisition - Chicago, The Art Institute - The Chicago museum has added to its Italian collection a first work by Jacopino del Conte, a monumental Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth (ill. 1). Long in private hands in Italy, the panel recently joined a private collection in London, from which it was acquired by the American museum through the Lullo Pampoulide gallery, which presented it at TEFAF 2023. It has now found its way into European galleries, where it has been added to the Florentine Mannerist corpus already on show, which includes Andrea del Sarto, whose pupil Jacopino was, Jacopo Pontormo and Agnolo Bronzino.

1. Jacopino del Conte (1510-1598)
Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth, 1535-1540

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