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A painting by Claudio Coello for the Prado

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25/7/24 - Acquisition - Madrid, Museo del Prado - Claudio Coello’s early work Christ Served by Angels, painted in 1661, already reveals the Madrid artist’s taste for dynamic, theatrical compositions. The scene is divided by a vertical axis: on the left are the angels, whose descending movements, varied attitudes and swirling draperies contrast with the immobile stance of Jesus on the right, emphasised by the verticality of the rocks. The choice of placing his hand in the centre, outstretched towards the bread brought to him by the angels after his forty days of fasting, is an allusion to the Eucharist instituted later at the Last Supper.

Claudio Coello (1642-1693)
Christ Served by Angels, 1661
Oil on canvas - 188 x 146 cm
Madrid, Prado Museum
Photo: Setdart

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