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A medieval ivory acquired by the Victoria & Albert Museum

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27/9/24 - Acquisition - Londres, Victoria & Albert Museum - The outcome was a happy one. After months of uncertainty, the exceptional 12th-century English sculpture of the Deposition in walrus ivory, which was about to leave the UK for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York at the end of 2023, was finally acquired by the Victoria & Albert Museum, where it had been deposited for 40 years until the end of 2022.

1. England, 12th century
The Deposition, c. 1190-1200
Ivory - 18.3 cm
London, Victoria & Albert Museum
Photo: Victoria & Albert Museum, London
See the image in its page

At that time, its private owners decided to dispose of it, and the Metropolitan bought it by private treaty from Sotheby’s for $2.5 million, before it was immediately detained in the UK by a…

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