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A Christ after Velázquez for the Museo Sorolla

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4/4/24 - Acquisition - Madrid, Museo Sorolla - Sorolla considered himself a "child of Velázquez". He began by looking at his works at the Prado during a first visit to Madrid in 1881; not only did he keep around thirty photographs of his paintings, but he also made around fifteen copies. For example, he copied Christ on the Cross on a canvas sold on 19 March 2024 by Segre Subastas in Madrid, which fetched 70,000 euros and was acquired by the Spanish State for the Museo Sorolla (ill. 1 and 2).

1. Joaquín Sorolla (1863-1923)
Copie du Christ de Velázquez, vers 1883
Huile sur toile - 75 x 50 cm
Madrid, Musée Sorolla
Photo : Musée Sorolla
See the image in its page

The painter concentrated his attention on the torso of Jesus, retaining only part of the composition,…

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