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A Champaigne for Carnavalet

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22/8/24 - Acquisition - Paris, Musée Carnavalet - In 2022, the Musée Carnavalet acquired, from the dealer Ivan Rinaldi, an important painted sketch by Philippe de Champaigne (ill. 1) in preparation for the tapestry representing The Birth of the Virgin (ill. 2) formerly at Notre-Dame and sold, along with the thirteen others of the same hanging, to Strasbourg cathedral where it is now conserved. This tapestry was recently exhibited in Paris, at the Mobilier National, in the exhibition ‘Grands décors restaurés de Notre-Dame de Paris’ (see article).

1. Philippe de Champaigne (1602-1674)
The Birth of the Virgin, 1638
Oil on canvas - 64 x 94.7 cm
Paris, Musée Carnavalet
Photo: Paris Musées (public domain)
See the image in its page

Cardinal de Richelieu commissioned…

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