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A new Poussin for London’s National Gallery

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25/7/24 - Acquisition - London, National Gallery - On the occasion of its bicentenary, the National Gallery in London announced last March that it had acquired Nicolas Poussin’s The Eucharist through the Acceptance in Lieu procedure, as part of the Duke of Rutland’s inheritance tax. As the value of the painting exceeded the amount of the debt, the museum made up the difference thanks to a generous bequest from Martha Doris and Richard Hillman Bailey. Thus continues the inevitable dispersal of the first series of Sacraments painted by Nicolas Poussin in the late 1630s for his principal patron Cassiano del Pozzo.

Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665)
The Eucharist, c. 1637-1640
Oil on canvas - 96 x 121.2 cm
London, National Gallery
Photo: The National Gallery, Londres
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