The Burlington Magazine - Sommaire du n° de mai 2013


The art of the archive


Christoph Martin Vogtherr, Antoine Pesne’s ‘Samson and Delilah’ : the genesis of a morceau de reception for the Academy in Paris

Katie Hanson, Jean-Honoré Fragonard’s lost ‘Little pilgrim’

Guillaume Faroult, Gavin Hamilton’s ‘Venus presenting Helen to Paris’ : a new painting for the Louvre

Frédérique Baumgartner, Two rediscovered paintings by Hubert Robert and their French revolutionary context

Barbara Wright, A drawing for ‘Hodna’ : an early painting by Eugène Fromentin

Augustin de Butler, Renoir’s visit to London


Catherine Monbeig Goguel, Roseline Bacou (1923-2013)


Peta Motture, Orsanmichele and the History and Preservation of the Civic Monument

David Scrase, Glasgow Museums : The Italian Paintings

Philippe Bordes, Pour l’amour de l’art. Artistes et amateurs français à Rome au XVIIIe siècle

Colin B. Bailey, Fragonard and the Fantasy Figure : Painting the Imagination

Marie-Anne Dupuy-Vachey, Fragonard’s Progress of Love at the Frick Collection

Patricia Smyt, Ingres and the Studio : Women, Painting, History

Felix Krämer, Vom Klassizismus zum Kubismus. Bestandskatalog der französischen Malerei in der Kunsthalle Bremen

Nancy Ireson, Art of the Actual : Naturalism and Style in Early Third Republic France, 1880–1900

Augustin de Butler, Renoir in The Barnes Foundation

Richard Shone, Edouard Manet

Exhibition Review

Xavier F. Salomon, Piranesi and Paestum. London, Berlin and New York

Randall C. Griffin, George Bellows. Washington, New York and London

Sarah Whitfield, Becoming Picasso. London

James Cahill, London exhibitions. London

James Boaden, Glam : The performance of style

Timothy Hyman, Obsessions : R.B. Kitaj, 1932–2007. Berlin ; London and Chichester ; Hamburg

Barry Bergdoll, Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Berlin and Munich

Xanthe Brooke, Pietro Bembo. Padua

Dawn Ades, Dalí. Paris and Madrid

Tim Barringer, The Civil War and American art. Washington and New York

John-Paul Stonard, Dieter Roth (Museum of Modern Art). New York


Notes on Contributors

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